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Saw Jess' tweet and ended up here! Played this for a bit and figured I'd comment with some thoughts:

- I loaded in and wasn't looking at the door to go into the pool area
- If I'm supposed to hunt for the entryway it may be best to define the explorable area outside of the fenced-in pool space a bit and make it implicitly "there" and ready to be explored
- While I cannot fall off the edge into the void, invisible walls aren't doing the experience justice. I'd rather see white box walls and faux white box buildings in the inaccessible distance around me than the ability to see the void and skybox (even in a proof of concept, staging is a big deal)
- I tried uncovering the pool, couldn't, found a thing that made noise and allowed me to uncover the pool further
- I hooked up hoses and connected a little vacuum robot to it that automatically floated off and cleaned the pool
- The water went clear and the gross water went into the kiddie pool, nice
- couldn't interact with anything else, not sure if done or

Hey Mars, 

Thanks so much for playing the game, I do appreciate it and your feedback.

I'm sorry your experience with the game was confusing on these fronts, I think the feedback you are offering will help make things more clear. 

I'm happy you brought up your issue with the entryway and glad you see what I was trying to accomplish. Thank you for making a reasoned case and suggesting a solution towards the original intention. I will fold that into my thinking for the future.

Even though the noise that allowed you to continue was not immediately understandable and straightforward, I'm glad you were able to connect the hoses and clean the pool, I hope you enjoyed that part.

There is more to the game, but this is where others have had friction as well. Thank you for letting me know where you got stuck. (You can interact with the umbrellas as well, near the base, above the table.) I fear the detection area is not large enough for this to be readily found.

Overall, thanks for trying it out and commenting on what you thought was important to note. These points will make for better designs on future iterations.
